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Rhus begining to shoot

Rhus begining to shoot (Rhus typhina)

pretty new growth on my Rhus tree which is now planted in a large pot in the corner of the patio, once my garden bench comes it should over hang it quite nicely.

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Are u orderd a new Bench then Ang ? was it the 1 in Wilkoson like mine?:D

7 Apr, 2008


i did but no i saw one on ebay the other day just perfect for the spot, its wood and iron, - really good value for the price - well i think! - it has'nt come yet, i'll post pic's of it when it does. i have decided to do away with our manky patio table and chairs as it is too big for the space anyway and looks awful. i do eventually want to get a nice little set to go there, and the bench will go up where brookes play house is - when she grows out of it. but for now i thought the bench would go nice on the patio, we rarely have enough people around to warrent the big table and chairs anyway - and its an imbarrisment! i will proberly keep the chairs just incase. they stack so can just sit up in the shed out of the way - incase we need them, but the table is defo going on the scrap heep!

8 Apr, 2008

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This photo is of "Sumach Tree" in Majeekahead's garden

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