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Monkey musk...sweethearts

Monkey musk...sweethearts (Mimulus guttatus (Common Large Monkey Flower))

Grown from seed collected last year, don't know why but it's got little sweethearts all around the edge of the petals...I've not seen one like it before, what a lovely surprise!

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tis a striking bloom jen very nice!

1 Sep, 2009


Thanks Indy.Not my usual type of thing but I'm dead proud of it because it's different from all the others! Wish they could bloom in February, would make a cute valentine flower. 8-)

1 Sep, 2009


are all the blooms like this one then?

1 Sep, 2009


Yep, the whole thing, hearts all over the place, sort of sweet really. Think I might take cuttings for next year, they root easily in a glass of water.

1 Sep, 2009


Niiice one!

1 Sep, 2009


Want one for your sweetheart?

1 Sep, 2009


don't want to go spoiling her too much you know bought her a packet of polo's today, that should keep her going for a week or two!

1 Sep, 2009


Extravagant eh...take it steady mate, a whole packet just for herself?!

1 Sep, 2009


Yeah I know, will have to get a grip on things soon!

1 Sep, 2009



1 Sep, 2009


Scrumptious ! :)

6 Sep, 2009


Cheerful little thing innit 8-))

6 Sep, 2009

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This photo is of "Monkey musk...sweethearts" in Junglejen's garden

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