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Jungle Banana

Jungle Banana

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garden looks great JJ

7 Sep, 2009


Thanks San, it's incredible how it changes over the summer. I'm well chuffed with the banana seedlings, they've really come on 8o)

7 Sep, 2009


do you have to put them inside for winter JJ

7 Sep, 2009


Yep, most of them, but the chinese ones can stay outside.

7 Sep, 2009


so a big tidy up for you before the frost comes,

7 Sep, 2009


It's like moving house! Drives me crazy trying to find a place for it all 8o))

7 Sep, 2009


lol,, poor you,, but worth it when they are out and the garden looks so tropical :o)

7 Sep, 2009


Lovely, definately worth it as Sanbaz says- they do look good.

16 Sep, 2009


I wouldn't have it any other way, I do curse having to move it all but I'll still carry on because I LOVE IT !!!!

17 Sep, 2009

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