Visicularia Bicolour Center
By Louis

8 Sep, 2009
Comments on this photo
8 Sep, 2009
Thanks Irish
8 Sep, 2009
Oh Louis its Beautifull, I hope mine looks like this soon, its turning redder :)
8 Sep, 2009
Hi did you grow this from seed Louis and YDD? have found some seed on ebay!! but it said could take some time to germinate?
Louis it is amazing so exotic.
8 Sep, 2009
No DD, I bought it at a GC about 3 years ago, it wasn't expensive about £5;99 i think, but knowing me I would of got it half price in Autumn probably.. :)
8 Sep, 2009
Thank you ladies ............ I did not grow it from seed DD, I bought it as a young plant, and as YDD said, they are not that expensive, but try to get a two or three year old plant or older. Good Luck..............:-)
9 Sep, 2009
Thanks will look out for one.......
9 Sep, 2009
........... :-)
9 Sep, 2009
I have this plant....Its been in the same pot for about 4 years....Its very spikey isn't it?...dont know how i'm ever going to get it out....Mine looks exactly like yours Louis....:>)
9 Sep, 2009
That's right Motinot, this plant is quite spikey. If your plant is doing well in the pot, I should leave it there, unless you want to get some cuttings. Do you leave the pot outside all winter? ........... :-)
10 Sep, 2009
Louis have been looking for this plant is a moss, has the name changed? because I found it under Fascicularia bicolor, there is a fantastic site I expect you know it called Shoot, which gives you all the information you need and where to buy the plants, so, now I can get one..........getting poorer by the week!!!!!
15 Sep, 2009
Don't panik Dottydaisy2, maybe I have slelled it wrong. You will not regret getting one, because it is so easy to look fact I do not do anything to it at all. I leave them outside all year round, as I've got them on the ground. Come rain, frost, always pulls through....... I hope I have not spoken too soon hehe!!!
I have not heard of the site Shoot, so will take a peak and see, thank you for letting me know :-)
Oh by the way, when you get your plant, leave it in the pot until next year, as it's not worth planting it in the ground, that is, if you are going to plant it on the ground..... Good Luck...and hey, don't feel guilty spending a couple of pounds in a plant LOL!!!! Happy Gardening............ :-)
15 Sep, 2009
Thanks Louis, I will just say a few more hail marys.....that should do the trick!!!!
16 Sep, 2009
Beautiful plant not seen one of these before.are they easy to grow?
8 Nov, 2009
Yes they are Morgana, it's very rewarding, when their colours starts to show. It has taken me three years to get the full colours to show........They survive the winter.....
8 Nov, 2009
Well done on achieving bringing it to this stage, thank you for letting me know its hardy.
8 Nov, 2009
You are welcome Morgana........It's a lovely plant, as you can't go wrong....
8 Nov, 2009
I shall be looking out for one and try it thank you
8 Nov, 2009
Managed to get one on ebay, very pleased with it, will keep it in the pot as suggested, really looking forward to watching it grow.
8 Nov, 2009
Well done Daisy. That's right, keep it in the pot, and plant it in a sunny position next year, and it will thrive.............Good luck :)
9 Nov, 2009
Thanks Louis....:+)))
10 Nov, 2009
Well done DD, What size did you buy ?
10 Nov, 2009
Hello YDD, hope you're doing well.........:))
10 Nov, 2009
I am Louis, Have you Sorted your garden for winter?
10 Nov, 2009
Good to know, you're doing well YDD......Yes, nothing much going on at the moment in my garden.....Looks boring and empty. Wish I could go to sleeep and wake up in the Spring LOL!!! Mind you, my greenhouse is full of plants though, and it keeps me busy on these cold days. The temp at the moment in the greenhouse is 20c, sometimes it might drop just a bit, but does not go over 20c. So if I am in the garden and it's cold, I go to the greenhouse and warm up, and listen to the radio at the same time LOL !!!
So how about your garden? I like the colours in your garden, with your nice sitting area, and colourful fabrics.......:)))
10 Nov, 2009
YDD I will put a picture on for you to see.
10 Nov, 2009
Sorry for taking so long to answer the question you asked me Louis...Yes this plant stays out all year....:>)
21 Nov, 2009
Me too Motinot, Sorry DD and Louis,missed your replys..Thanks Louis, are you still in your greenhouse? its gettn colder now and DD did you put a .pic up?
21 Nov, 2009
Yes I did the other day, it says for YDD.
21 Nov, 2009
Ooooh gonna look :)
21 Nov, 2009
Thank you ladies.....and yes YDD, I'm base in the greenhouse from now on, as it's nice and warm LOL. I have taken loads of cutting, and propergating Mirabilis seeds, and they're all coming up already ....... Pretty soon, my greenhouse, will be full of little plants, and wont have room for myself HELP........!!! LOL MIght take a picture of my little babies coming up hehe
22 Nov, 2009
Oh yes Louis show us some pics, The size of your garden you have to grow your own, too expensive to buy plants..
22 Nov, 2009
I am with YDD on that one pics please.......
23 Nov, 2009
Ok ok TDD & DD2 I've posted some pics of my cuttings in the greenhouse LOL !!! Be warned..... I didn't realized this until Annella brought it to my attention....There's two bottles of red wine in a corner somewhere hahaa.... Just wait until Madperth sees the bottles , well the tops of the bottles haha !!!
23 Nov, 2009
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As you can see, the center core is changing colour from white to pinkish mauve.
8 Sep, 2009