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constance eliot for morgana and donnah


By Sanbaz

constance eliot for morgana and donnah

this is it now on 25th sept its doing so well, its staying in the house now cause it gets more light here and to tall for growhouse

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Is this a passion flower Sanbaz?

25 Sep, 2009


yes maureen, baz made my little trellis tonight as the canes werent enough surport, much better now

25 Sep, 2009


Wow! I hope my new baby grows as fast as that, Sandra! :-)) Like the little trellis!

25 Sep, 2009


thanx barbara, yes i hope they do as well to, yes baz does come in handy for making little things for me :o))

25 Sep, 2009


Mine would, as well - as you know from his greenhouse building!

25 Sep, 2009


green house building! when was this barbara, maybe before i was here,

25 Sep, 2009


wow what a difference,well done

25 Sep, 2009


It has done well yes I would keep it in and put out next spring after the frost, in order for it to weather,

25 Sep, 2009


thanx suey, thats a month, didnt expect so much growth so soon,
yes i will morgana thanx

25 Sep, 2009


That will look great next year.

26 Sep, 2009


i do hope so tog, not sure how long before first flowers though, im hoping for next year

26 Sep, 2009


Its great Sandra, I bought a passion flower this year and it was loaded with flowers at the time. I set it against a south facing wall and its continued to grow and flower freely. I'm just a bit worried how it will cope with winter. Do you think it will need protection guys? They are supposed to tolerate temps down to about 0 degrees, thought about bubble wrapping it.

26 Sep, 2009


not sure dawn i was told it would be ok but i guess a little protection wouldnt hurt

26 Sep, 2009


I agree Sandra, mine has done so well and its so pretty, it would be a shame to lose it, I need to devise a protection plan.

26 Sep, 2009


i havent grown one before dawn do they die down or not, maybe put something at the base to keep warm, like a layer of mulch

26 Sep, 2009


They dont die down Sandra, they are like a vine and if in the right conditions can be quite vigorous and are evergreen. I think I will need to give it some all over protection.

26 Sep, 2009


i see dawn, not sure then, im sure you will think of something :o)

26 Sep, 2009


I think John will, lol, lol. I'm off now Sandra, nice chatting. sleep tight x

26 Sep, 2009


nite dawn , sleep well x

26 Sep, 2009


I bought this one from the Range this year, no flowers yet?

7 Oct, 2009


maybe next year dotty.. mine was tiny when i got it not long ago so is doing well, so im hoping for at least one flower next year, they are known for lots of flowers, this paticular one anyway

7 Oct, 2009


will look forward to that........

7 Oct, 2009

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