The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Tanny


Here is a picture of the full plant, as you can see the seed pod is similar to the Chines Lantern family but I cannot find another picture of it on the net to get its latin name. This plant has been flowering since May and still has five heads in bloom. I have kept a couple of seeding fruits and will be sowing them after the frost has gone next year. I have kept it in the greenhouse throughout its life but will attempt to plant some out in the garden next year.
I do hope someone can help me with this beautiful flower.

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It's nicandra physalodes, the Shoo-fly plant

23 Oct, 2009


Thank you Andrew, you'l never know just how grateful I am for your identification. Once I got the latin name I was able to get on the net and find out all about the plant.
I'm still mistified as to how the seed got itself into the Orchid compost but as I say,"Thers a reason for everything" so there must be a reason for me to enjoy this plant.

23 Oct, 2009


A nice freebie Tanny!

27 Oct, 2009


I have always had mine outside but I was buying them as seedlings. I'd given my sister some and she said hers had self seeded so I didn't throw them out after that. The link below throws up some fascinating facts about the plant.

13 Jul, 2010

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