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Basket 4 - all snugged up for bed

Basket 4 - all snugged up for bed

mid april 2008 basket 4, above Brookes veggie bed. its kind of inbetween to colour combos, the washing line area is quite light in colouring with lots of white and cream, yellows, orange, bit of pink and lilac, and then it goes into the area behind the veggie bed which it is directly above which is very pale and pastel colours with the pale hardy geraniums and also a contrast with some burgandy ones moving into the oranges and yellow and then onto the red and blue colour! - bit hard to match up really so i have gone for soft pastels in the summer basket.

Trailing Verbena Babylon 'Light Blue' (lilac)
Trailing petunia surfinia 'compact yellow' (pale lemon)
Mini Trailing petunia 'Callie White' (white with yellow eye)
lilac daisy
Trailing Fuchsia 'Annabell' (plale pink and white) - this is just a cutting that has'nt rooted yet so we shull see!
trailing variegated ivy (light green and cream)

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Sounds Great :)

14 Apr, 2008


to be honest Buzzbee, if you see my latest blog on this i am not recommending it to anyone to try the same, in my case it is just the lesser of the two evils! and i agree it is a big risk, - i do have a small unheated greenhouse where i have been starting everything off early, but when we have had frost, things have even frozen in there - luckly i have'nt lost anything - just minor damage, we had a really mild winter, so everything got going really eairly without too much trouble, but early march the weather got really cold, colder than it has been all winter! i have now run out of room in the greenhouse, and i do have lots of cuttings and spares of these plants, so i thought i would give it a go, but it is an experement! not the ideal, when i have started summer baskets off this early before i have done it in a larger greenhouse! but good news, we did have a frost last night - not a really heavy one but quite substantiual and they all seem to be fine, so far so good! - i have had some wall baskets outside with basket annuals in now for a few weeks that i have been protecting this way and if anything they are doing far better than what i have in the greenhouse, and we have had snow, hale, heavy frosts and all sorts, and they have been fine! they are in a sheltered place. and lets face it if it does work i wont need to worry about hardening anything off! lol

15 Apr, 2008

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