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Geranium 'Rozanne'

Geranium 'Rozanne' (Geranium)

This picture (and then next few) were taken in September, but as some of you will know i lost my camera and have only just found it :-S typical me.... anyway these are still going strong even now....

Comments on this photo


She is so beautiful - my favourite geranium! :-))

30 Oct, 2009


i agree barbara its beautifull :o)

30 Oct, 2009


Wow! I Love This 2 Ang :)

30 Oct, 2009


i must admit mine too Spritz, glad i copied thanks ladies x

30 Oct, 2009


This one doesn't set seed, Jacque - shame. And it's got a PBR on it, as well!

30 Oct, 2009


i bought mine from B&Q Jac, they are easy to come by, and well worth the price... the best you can get...

30 Oct, 2009


Definitely! :-))

Mind you - there's another geranium that's double that I've been admiring in an Esssex garden.........hint, hint! LOL.

30 Oct, 2009


Thanx 4 the Info Spritz/Angxxx

30 Oct, 2009


It's one of those that sends out loooooonnnggg flowering stems, Jac - a rambling geranium!! lol.

30 Oct, 2009


Sounds super :)

30 Oct, 2009


Yup - you won't be disappointed in it! :-)) I think you'll have to wait until next spring to find a plant at the GCs, though - unless you're very lucky.

30 Oct, 2009


il have to wait then Spritz as i dont have much luck these days :( x

30 Oct, 2009


When you DO go and look, don't buy the expensive large pots the GCs try to sell you - if there's a choice, get a smaller plant. They soon grow on!

I saw exactly this 'trick' this year - a big pot for £12, and a smaller one, with a healthy plant, at £6. No contest! But people were going for the bigger ones.

30 Oct, 2009


lol.... i'll get some off to you soon i promise Spritz... i have'nt dug that bed yet but it is top of the hit list i promise.... ;-)

30 Oct, 2009


Hi MJH wondered where you had gone, nice to have you back with some stunning photos.

30 Oct, 2009


Thanks DD2 hello! i've just been busy...and i lost my camera.. found it now..glad you like the latest pic's

31 Oct, 2009


Yes they were waiting for!!

1 Nov, 2009


ahhh bless....x

2 Nov, 2009


i LOVE this photo it is beautiful :)

5 Nov, 2009

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This photo is of species Geranium.

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This photo is of "Geranium 'Rozanne'" in Majeekahead's garden

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