By Gwenvokes
- 8 Nov, 2009
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Yes it´s pretty. I´m hoping it will grow outside.
10 Nov, 2009
I've grown this outdoors in a previous garden ... but in a part-shaded section amongst ferns - and it did very, very well growing to around a foot in height. When it's in full sun it does tend to get a bit burnt over here. I just love the little flowers on this.
10 Nov, 2009
This is below the trees, dappled shade, but I´m not sure if the winter will kill it off. I believe it can go to below zero. I pinched it from a friend so I can always get some more !! Are the flowers similar to the purple tradescantia?
10 Nov, 2009
I think it's frost more than cold that this plant doesn't like - but it's easy to strike, so if your friend has some you'll have an endless supply. The flowers are pretty much the same Gwen - lovely little purple ones.
13 Nov, 2009
This is such a common plant and I think people don´t appreciate it. I´ve stuck bits in (sorry - planted), together with a Spanish trailing plant I keep forgetting the name of, on top of the wall down our drive. They´re both growing well and I hope will hide the grotty wall until it can be replaced. There were several of the purple tradescantias here when we bought the house 4 yrs ago, and they´re still fine so I hope to be lucky with the other two stripey ones.
13 Nov, 2009
I've often had them in hanging pots as well as in the beds that get full sun during summer - they're a great survivor and add a lot of colour.
14 Nov, 2009
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This photo is of "Tradescantia Zebrina" in Gwenvokes's garden
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11 Jan, 2009
This one is so familiar - lots of this in our gardens here.
9 Nov, 2009