Plumeria un named
By Pitta

11 Nov, 2009
A Plumeria cutting given to me by John the man who does gardening for me 3 hours a week . This is one from his tree.
Comments on this photo
again very pretty from me too.
11 Nov, 2009
11 Nov, 2009
Agree with you all.....
11 Nov, 2009
Now this one is really beautiful..........
11 Nov, 2009
And free . my garden helper came today and bought me a nice big caladium in a pot , he will plant it out in the shady garden .
12 Nov, 2009
You are so lucky Pitta.....
13 Nov, 2009
Yes thats true Milky
14 Nov, 2009
Very pretty :-)
11 Nov, 2009