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Tulip Poplar

Tulip Poplar (Magnoliaceae)

This is a tree I first saw as a pre-teen at Girl Scout Camp. I was fascinated with the waxy flower petals.
The acrid inner bark, and the roots are used as a diuretic, tonic, and stimulant. A tea is used in the treatment of indigestion, dysentery, rheumatism, coughs, fevers etc. Externally, the tea is used as a wash and a poultice on wounds and boils. The root bark and the seeds have both been used to expel worms from the body
The bark can produce a nice gold colored dye.

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As well as being gorgeous to look at, again the number of uses amazes me :~)

12 Nov, 2009


Gorgeous flower...:>)

12 Nov, 2009


Great flower, is related to poplar trees we grow in Uk ours do not flower like that.then again we see tulip trees in large Botanical gardens where the flowers are all white.Magnolias are often called Tulip trees but the leaves are all wrong i am confused !
Not that it takes much

12 Nov, 2009


Bjs check the Latin is the only thing to really go by. Common names are passed around and shared willy nilly.

This "poplar" is in the Magnoliaceae – Magnolia family
Your poplars are probably in the Salicaceae – Willow family (this family has the poplars, cottonwoods, and aspens)

Hope that helps a little =^..^=

13 Nov, 2009


Great close-up ! We have these trees growing all around our house here in North Carolina, they get huge. Ours are probably all about 40 feet tall.

15 Nov, 2009


Flcrazy...Thanks...most ppl I know do not like this tree, it is too messy for their taste...But if I didn't have large trees already in place for shade I would surely plant them!


15 Nov, 2009

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This photo is of species Magnoliaceae.

This photo is of "Magnolia family" in Healerwitch's garden

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