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Asiatic Dayflower

Asiatic Dayflower (Commelinaceae)

The leaves are depurative, diuretic, and febrifuge. Used as a throat gargle to relieve sore throats and tonsillitis.

Leaves, flowers and young shoots - raw or cooked. Chopped finely and added to salads or cooked as a potherb. A sweet taste with a mucilaginous texture

A bright blue dye is obtained from the petals

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So delicate yet so useful ! :~)

12 Nov, 2009


Is this Commelina.....looks exactly like mine (spiderwort)....Lovely little flower..:>)

12 Nov, 2009


Yes Montinot they are a Commelina.....Commelina communis

~~~^~~~<@ =^..^=

12 Nov, 2009


I grew a pot of them spring past and only one came up, but it spread in the pot and flowered beautifully...i have put it under cover for winter and have managed to get some more Commelina 'sleeping beauty'.....Im really taken with this little flower sitting in its pouch....The one you have here is lovely Healerw....I'll have to try for it next...:>)

12 Nov, 2009


This one was growing wild dorn by the river! I for lucky being in the right place at the right time!


13 Nov, 2009



28 Nov, 2009

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View photos by Healerwitch

This photo is of species Commelinaceae.

This photo is of "Spiderwort Family" in Healerwitch's garden

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