Well...you did ask!
By Fluff

13 Nov, 2009
Comments on this photo
Hee hee hee.....well done Fluff.....they look suspiciously empty though....or is it just my eyes?
13 Nov, 2009
Absolutely nicely hmmm? Notice they are all empty!! :o(
13 Nov, 2009
We must have posted at the same time......So they are empty.....tsk tsk....that's no good....Can you return the beer and buy Vodka?
13 Nov, 2009
Well I had to taste each different type Gilli...& apparently the last one out of the bottle is the best one!!
13 Nov, 2009
Hmmm...don't think that would go down too well!!
13 Nov, 2009
Hee hee hee...I have heard that about tasting Vodka....Don't worry, hubby will never notice his stash has disappeared....trust me!!! {:o>
13 Nov, 2009
I nearly got a hernia lumping that lot upstairs...you seriously don't think I'm going to bring them all down again?? Have you noticed there's never a deal on that good for vodka?!
13 Nov, 2009
Well, invite Ian over.....he'll be happy to help I'm sure.....LOL.
They never have a good deal on over here either......it must be a russian plot!!!
13 Nov, 2009
Or a Polish one! Hang on....think that's Ian at the door now...!!
13 Nov, 2009
Stand back when you open the door then. There'll be nothing but a puff of dust as he speeds for the beer. LOL
13 Nov, 2009
Oh dear Gilli...I've just looked on the 'latest garden photos' page & the last 2 are mine of beer & vodka! I'm gonna get told off now. Looks like my garden is a brewery/distillery!
13 Nov, 2009
Ha ha ha ha....That's funny Fluff.....have no fear....just say that this is the harvest from the hops and grain you grew in your garden. :oD
13 Nov, 2009
Nice one Gilli...nice one! Bumper crop then!!
13 Nov, 2009
It was a VERY big bumper crop year Fluff.
13 Nov, 2009
VODKA heaven
And my heart beats
So that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find
The happiness I seek
When we're out together
Drinking glass to cheek....
Not quite the Fred Astaire version but...
13 Nov, 2009
Scuse me.... hic ... Buuuuuurp id ther heny mor beer?
13 Nov, 2009
NOooooo Ian....you didn't drink it ALL did you??? Bad boy!!
14 Nov, 2009
Ish washant m hic m hic BUUUUURP me!
14 Nov, 2009
Wasn't you hey? Then why is there an empty beer can in your back pocket and one in your hand?
14 Nov, 2009
Coz he couldn't find the bin Gilli!!
14 Nov, 2009
Ohhh my head! Chees Dan but don't shout please oh and those other boxes? There empty :~\
14 Nov, 2009
Noooooooooooooooooooo....where's all the Fosters gone?? And what's that inert heap at the bottom of the stairs? Is it Digger?? Oh no...it's hubby...HE drank all the beer...hey hey in his dreams!!
Glad you like the voddie Dan...I love collecting the bottles...almost as much as I like emptying them!!
Vodka is grand when you've one in each hand
If you reach for 2 more you'll end up on the floor!
You can have it with Coke or mix it with juice
Or swallow it straight...you don't need an excuse!
My mother will tell me it's not good for my health
And buying in bulk will impact on my wealth.
But I rarely dine out, don't gamble or smoke,
Avoid pricey shops & end up flat broke,
Instead I prefer to swig vodka & ice
Which Dan will agree is really quite nice! ;o)
14 Nov, 2009
Lol very good Fluff! :~))
14 Nov, 2009
Wow! What a great verse Fluff! And about my favourite drink too -0 BRILLIANT!
Bring on the voddie......
14 Nov, 2009
Thanks OB...not that I was fishing for a compliment or owt!!!
14 Nov, 2009
A night on the voddie and then see how your rhyme is.......actually, a night on the voddie and I wouldn't care!!! :0))-
14 Nov, 2009
The meaning would still be there but the spelling & scanning not quite the ticket I suspect...!!
14 Nov, 2009
LOL :o))) Fluff.
15 Nov, 2009
Hi Carol!
15 Nov, 2009
Mines a '---------' Fluff
15 Nov, 2009
With ice?!
15 Nov, 2009
yes please and a slice
15 Nov, 2009
NO.....just MORE vodka!!!!
15 Nov, 2009
Now OB...you must take it easy...work tomorrow!
15 Nov, 2009
Dilute it Dan, with vodka!!!!!
15 Nov, 2009
And I thought I was the lush!
15 Nov, 2009
You are lush, Fluff! but no A lush. Lol
15 Nov, 2009
Aw...you sweet talker you...where's Madperth when you need her to take the proverbial??l!!!!
15 Nov, 2009
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That Absolute will do nicely.......
13 Nov, 2009