20 Tulips £2.50!!!
By Jacque

18 Nov, 2009
All Spring Flowering Bulbs r now Half Price @ B&Qs so i treated The Pond Area to a few :)
Comments on this photo
Hi Moti i think their Lovely & hope they do well 4 me :)
18 Nov, 2009
They look lovely.. and what a great bargain........
18 Nov, 2009
Thanx Holly i cant wait 2 Plant them :)
18 Nov, 2009
hope you can get out to plant them.. we have had strong winds again here last night and today.... looks like its going to pour as well...... roll on summer...lol
18 Nov, 2009
Its blowing a gale here to Holly but no rain yet! :/
18 Nov, 2009
Thanks for that Jacque. I'll have a look on Saturday before I go to the beer festival at Rochford.
19 Nov, 2009
Beer Festival Toto!!! I remember those ;) lol
19 Nov, 2009
If you remember them. You souldn't have enjoyed them very much!
19 Nov, 2009
Its true i didnt enjoy them as im a Short/Spirit drinker Toto :)
19 Nov, 2009
Short spirits are no good, you should be drinking long spirits.
19 Nov, 2009
Is that what u call Doubles/Trebles Toto ? lol :)
19 Nov, 2009
No, thats what you call "pouring your own".
19 Nov, 2009
lol :)
19 Nov, 2009
Very pretty and colourful bulbs you have chosen can't wait to see in bloom.
20 Nov, 2009
Was going to plant them out 2day Morg but its 2 wet :(
20 Nov, 2009
Make sure you place a bit of fine stones under them so not to rot for drainage.
20 Nov, 2009
Thanx 4 that Morg :)
20 Nov, 2009
Your welcome it pays to buy a little bag of gravel small stones and place on top of pots too stops them drying out too quick also stops snails and slugs as it slows them down, so they don't like traveling over it.
20 Nov, 2009
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I have the' mickey mouse' ones Jacque and they are just gorgeous...:>)
18 Nov, 2009