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Sleek and ready for hibernation....


By Lori

Sleek and ready for hibernation....

casing the bird feeder...hmmmmm...sunflower seeds!

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Nice pedestal for him :)

27 Nov, 2009


Nice scouting position........

27 Nov, 2009


Good shot...

28 Nov, 2009


And what sort of little idiot is this?

28 Nov, 2009


Oh ...., what a cutie pie ! Never seen one with this dark of a coat before, what breed of squirrel is this Lori ?

30 Nov, 2009


Yes, I'd like to know that too!

1 Dec, 2009


Thanks folks...he's just your everyday NA black squirrel.... but he's been well fed all summer long.... he helps himself to the rabbit vittles. (and he found a bag of sunflower seed I was storing in the shed!) Wondered why we we seeing so much of him! little blighter.

2 Dec, 2009


I'm afraid this is one we won't get to see this far south Wohlibuli ...:-( What a shame too, he's gorgeous !

2 Dec, 2009


I thought it was a cat until I saw that it is going to hibernate..wild looking little

3 Dec, 2009


Guess you are correct Flcrazy. I had never even heard of it till now. We can sometimes see the Black fox squirrel but they are becoming rarer. Mostly just your ordinary grey ones here.

4 Dec, 2009


Well if you've seen a black fox squirrel Wohlibuli, you're one up on me ! I'd love to see one.

5 Dec, 2009


Well that's one for the google.... never thought much about it ...we don't have many red squirrels anymore and I don't think it's extinction...I think it's interbreeding. Earlier this season I was seeing lovely gray squirrels...suddenly they're all black...will give this a look-up and report!

7 Dec, 2009 Here's a good synopsis of what's what....or should I say Hinterland Who's Who...on our black/gray squirrels...according to the above link this same breed of squirrel the Eastern Gray Squirrel, is common from southern Canada to the gulf of Mexico...the black variety are found in the north but squirrels of the same breed are always completely gray in the southern ranges.

7 Dec, 2009

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