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Brunnera - Looking Glass & Jack Frost

Brunnera - Looking Glass & Jack Frost (Brunnera Jack Frost & Looking Glass)

Something is eating these Brunnera's behind the toad lillys. Any suggestions on what I should treat with.

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Welcome to GoY, Valerie!

28 Nov, 2009


Welcome to Goy too Valerie your shade garden sounds interesting?

29 Nov, 2009


Welcome from me as well Valerie. Sorry I can't help with your problem - I don't grow brunneras.

29 Nov, 2009


Welcome Valerie.
If you find out what's eating your plant in the first place, you might be able to find how to deal with it.

29 Nov, 2009


I think it's slugs. Havn't seen any but it looks like their work

30 Nov, 2009


Wretched things! Do you use slug pellets? I have to - I get snails, and nothing else has worked in my garden. They eat my clematis! :-(((

30 Nov, 2009


I have a few small clematis I bought this year and I put coarse grit around them so stop the slugs. The only thing is I didn't do it imediately so some have been eaten down to the stump. I'm hoping they'll grow back from the root next year,
You could try coarse grit around the plant Valerie. That might deter the slugs.

30 Nov, 2009


What is coarse grit? Do you mean like gravel or how about coffee grounds?

11 May, 2010


I meant gravell - like very tiny rough chippings.
My clematis are all regrowing now with that to protect them. They're still small but the slugs and snails can't get to them.

11 May, 2010


Thanks Hywel, I will give it a try. Last year I waited too long to do anything
about the slugs and snails eating my brunnera's. This year thanks to you I
will get a head start on them before they start.

12 May, 2010


Good luck ! :o)

12 May, 2010

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This photo is of species Brunnera Jack Frost & Looking Glass.

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