The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Herbal Echinacea.

Herbal Echinacea.

I love the flowers from this plant they last a very long time attracting bees and hover flies.

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I have bought a packet this year of these to sow, hope they take, this looks wonderful especially how you have it in amongst others very pretty.

30 Nov, 2009


great photo.

1 Dec, 2009


Thanks to you both... I grew quite a few plants from seed, but when I put them in the garden they were subjected to the slug brigade. They are such indiscriminate feeders, and took out a lot of the new plants. But this one grew fine, with just a few lacey leaves.

1 Dec, 2009


They do say to leave floiage down and they will go for that instead of your plants. Sad about the slugs attacking your plants, they don't like gravel either as it wares them out they have to produce more slime with the gravel being dry.

1 Dec, 2009


My slugs are all a bit Arnold Schwarzenegger...

1 Dec, 2009


Lol you should get a hedgehog then, they will clear them.

1 Dec, 2009


I have a frog, will he do.

2 Dec, 2009


Yes frogs eat them too so I have heard :o)

2 Dec, 2009

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