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A garden flower photo

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i never know how to keep these, seem to drop the red leaves with me :o(( looks lovely!

9 Dec, 2009


i had one of these for 5 years sanbaz... they dont like to much heat... mine lasted after one christmas so i repotted it and every year it had the coloured bracts ( leaves) on it.... which come as the days get shorter....... it was so big when i moved here, it was in a huge pot and about 6ft tall....... i hadnt got room indoors for it and it was getting a bit straggly... so i put it in the garden....... and let it die off........ i use to call it Miss

9 Dec, 2009


wow so big holly... so better kept in a cooler place then, maybe thats why, mine always in lounge and it gets very warm with heating on, miss plant lol pitty you dont have a pic of her

9 Dec, 2009


i do have somewhere...... will have a look for it......

9 Dec, 2009


just nominated for house plants lincs, so pretty
thanx holly... would be good to see

9 Dec, 2009


just done a blog on it with pics 4 u ........

9 Dec, 2009


thanx holly ;o)

9 Dec, 2009


Thanks San, Hubby came in at the weekend with it,dopey man said happy mothers day and laughed, hope it doesn`t mean I dont get a pressie next
Bet mine doesn`t last as long as yours Holly although I thank you for the hint and will try and keep her cool.....

9 Dec, 2009


yw, dont think he dare miss mothers day now lol

9 Dec, 2009


I'm going to put mine in the hallway - hopefully that way it will stay alive longer than the usual three days! lol

10 Dec, 2009

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