By Gardengirl1

1 Jan, 2010
Our little bit of snow which unfortunately turned to ice and the car got pranged in the back lane.
Comments on this photo
The day I posted this photo we had another flurry that's staying put were the sun doesn't reach.
3 Jan, 2010
We had some over the week end :o(
3 Jan, 2010
did you get some last night?
5 Jan, 2010
Yes and all day today aswell. We have several inches now and not much is moving here. It is impossible to go anywhere at the moment. I hope you are ok . Do you have much snow ?
5 Jan, 2010
It arrived big time last night about 5 inches and we're quite sheltered.My husband got the train to work ok about 8.30am. its a 15 min walk and a 15 min train ride then a 5 min walk the other end for him.
6 Jan, 2010
Good job you live in a convenient place.
6 Jan, 2010
Oh dear , snow :o(( I hope it clears soon. We have had none but you are not so far from here.
Happy New Year anyway :o)))
1 Jan, 2010