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Henry on guard duty!

Henry on guard duty!

Every morning, rain or shine, Henry does a tour of the whole garden and then sits in the middle of the path to watch the world go by. Because we are so rural, it's usually a horse or a tractor!

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Spritz, this photo is very special. The path is great. the stones look like they have been there for a hundred years or so.

20 Apr, 2008


Thanks Mike - they probably have, and some! As the cottage we live in was built 500 years ago, and where Henry is sitting is on top of a very old bridge over the stream, at the time the only access to the cottage, the slabs could also be as old! We tried to source similar stone from the reclamation yard to lay on the new paths last year but it was in short supply and WAY over our budget.

20 Apr, 2008


It's beautiful so is your dog :)
Spritz what tree is that in the center?

20 Apr, 2008


Thank you, Littledove. The tree is one of two Weeping Ash trees - the older one. Sadly, we have had to have several dead branches removed and one huge one fell off in a storm last year. Our tree surgeon thinks it is about 150 years old and probably only has about 10 years of life left. So we have planted another Ash tree just beyond it - not a Weeping one this time. Henry is 3-and-a-half and is gorgeous - except when he takes stones out of the stream and runs off with them!

20 Apr, 2008


lol just look @Henry Isnt he Fab just sitting there watching the world pass him by ,My Summers the same as soon as she gets outside she has her Sniffing2 carry out which takes about10mins then off she goes down2look under the Laurals2see which cats are about4 her to sniff (Normaly Poor Sox) who gets that big wet nose in his ears lol

20 Apr, 2008


lol & your lawn mower finds them all :)
The trunk is amazing, will it finally need to be chopped down?
So glad you have planted another Ash :)

20 Apr, 2008


Hi Littledove - when I say stones, I do not mean small ones, they are at least 6" by 4" and he used to settle down on the grass and GNAW them! The vet said we had to stop him for the sake of his teeth, also they were too heavy for his jaws and he could have damaged the I have to stop him. Also, he runs off, drops them and scrabbles in the grass to retrieve them, making clods of grass go flying and holes in the grass. VERY annoying! As to the old Ash, it sent out a new branch about 8' up last year, so there must still be some life in there - it's not giving up yet! I suppose it may have to be cut down eventually, if it gets dangerous, but it's home and perch to owls and green please. Mother Nature, not yet! It has such a lovely gnarled shape, especially in the winter. I will try to take a photo but guess what - it's raining (again).

21 Apr, 2008


lol & you love him to bits :) I heard once that there is some sort of mineral they obsorb from gnawing on stones, not sure if it's so.
Your Ash tree will grow old gracefully :) I'd like to see a photo of the tree with snow, do you have one? if not I'll wait till winter comes again :)
Anyway how come it's always raining where you are lol, there has not been much rain here for a few weeks now, just an hour or two here & there, in fact I've been out for the last week watering my pots, not that I'm trying to dampen your day even more lol

21 Apr, 2008

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