Blizzards adding to the snow
By Drc726

9 Jan, 2010
Guy's not really been out for days
Comments on this photo
Awwww, poor pusscat !
He looks just like my Millie ........ and, she's sitting in the exact same way !!!
Wishing it would all clear up so she can go back to normal and get outside more ;-)))
9 Jan, 2010
My other cat use to make that noise Catfinch whenever she saw birds. Guy doesant but he talks to us a lot. He tries to go out but is back quite quickly.
9 Jan, 2010
Mine indoors as well andI get a really disgusted look if I even hint that they go out for a while.LOL..
9 Jan, 2010
I know just that look!
9 Jan, 2010
My Smokey only goes out if he really as to. Must be horrible to sit on cold snow for a wee :o)))
9 Jan, 2010
hes in the best place.........
9 Jan, 2010
My old Yoda would not even think of going out in the freezing cold..she just looked at the door and turned around to her litter there done that! she
9 Jan, 2010
My cat Ben has been sitting by the computer, looking out of the window, and yes he makes little noises when he sees the birds, frustration perhaps. he woke me up at 4.30 this am wanting to go out....reckon his bladder must have been the size of a football as he hadnt been out all day, lol
10 Jan, 2010
I Don't Blame Him
10 Jan, 2010
Guy is very wise to stay indoors :o)
11 Jan, 2010
He's so fed up though Hywel
11 Jan, 2010
I bet he is. Blodyn is bored too. And she takes it out on me lol
11 Jan, 2010
Yes I know just what you mean.
11 Jan, 2010
Super photo
22 Jan, 2010
Thanks Deida he's much happier now he can get out.
22 Jan, 2010
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awwww. he is watching birdies I bet...does he making the chattering that cats do when they watch birds from a window...I cannot help but wonder what that is all about...
9 Jan, 2010