Floating flowers
By Hijuju
- 31 Jan, 2010
If anyone wants a centre table decoration you could do this.
Get a shallow dish , fill half way up with cold water , choose your flowers and pick the flower heads off and add your flower heads to the water. But make sure you have about a 1/4 inch of stem or small piece of stem left on the base of the flower to help balance it to float.
O know one person used a Hydraengea flower for this competition one year but ended up disqualified because , they picked every little flower of the mophead and put them into the water.This is ok if you are doing it at home but not for a competition.For a competition you would need to use a variety of flowers
Comments on this photo
Thats pretty.
31 Jan, 2010
very pretty
31 Jan, 2010
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Fuchsia flowers look nice floating in a bowl of water. I've never thought of it with other flowers. It looks pretty.
31 Jan, 2010