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I took this shot with my old digital camera. I got fourteen shots of blue sky before I manage to centre him. He is a giant vulture with a wing span of about 6 - 7 feet.

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Brill photo...

3 Feb, 2010


where was this taken, did you just drop on him flying around, its a great photo

3 Feb, 2010


Thank you Clarice and Yorkshire. I took this at Warwick Castle at a falconry display last year. I have a great passion for photographing birds of prey. They are so beautiful.

3 Feb, 2010


great photo.

3 Feb, 2010


Great shot..well done

4 Feb, 2010


Thank you Suey and Deida

4 Feb, 2010


Terrific pic BT- well caught..........eventually lol.

6 Feb, 2010


Yes, Indeed, Skillen. Thank the Lord for digital cameras. I would have run out of film with my old camera!

6 Feb, 2010


I know what you mean, yes digis are great arn't they!

6 Feb, 2010


Yes.injdeed, Skillen. I am never without mine. I spent so much time before thinking "If only I had my camera with me"

I think they are especially good for weddings, christenings and those 'once in a lifetime' occasions that can nevber be recaptured and which could so easily be lost if recorded on film. I talk from experience!

7 Feb, 2010



7 Feb, 2010

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