By Gazz1

16 Mar, 2010
Acer Bloodgood, this is by nature Quite a large Acer growing to 5x5m I've pruned this one every spring to keep it smaller.
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Acer Palmatum Dissectum 'Burgundy Lace'
£37.50 at Burncoose -
Acer Palmatum 'Higasayama'
£70.00 at Burncoose -
Acer Palmatum Dissectum 'seiryu'
£75.00 at Burncoose -
Acer Palmatum 'Katsura'
£75.00 at Burncoose -
Acer Negundo 'Kellys Gold'
£17.50 at Burncoose
I love the Acers, like the way they change colour, over different Seasons.
This one is a little beauty!!
16 Mar, 2010