By Ediegirl

17 Mar, 2010
Granddaughter gave this orchid last year for Mother's day. I followed the directions, said to water with 3 ice cubes once a week. Now look at it. Wow it has been blooming for 3 weeks!
Comments on this photo
Ye gods!! Ice cubes!!!
Looks happy enough though.
Have you had good leaf growth over the last year too?
17 Mar, 2010
Gorgeous :)
18 Mar, 2010
thats what I thought " Ice Cubes?" the plant looks better than when she gave
it to me. Nice big green leaf's. Best one I have seen in a long time. Now if I could get my other one to look as good.
18 Mar, 2010
I'll give them a go on one that I cannot get to rebloom. In 18 months since the blooms faded it has produced 8 extra leaves that are as big as elephants ears, but not one flower spike.
18 Mar, 2010
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its absolutely geogeous, lucky you
17 Mar, 2010