My Allotment
By Pepperpot

18 Mar, 2010
Now its begining to look tidy, can't wait to start planting, My first raised bed is done, i'm so excited. All so got decking around the shed.
Comments on this photo
slowly! slowly am afraid.
29 Mar, 2010
thats ok pepperpot, just enjoy! it will pay off :o))
29 Mar, 2010
Thanks Sabaz, i think your right, this weekend got a polytunnel, weather still crap, bored and can't stop eating chocolate, lol , also got for garden centre, raseberry, gooseberry bush and a bush called tatbury, never hered of it, but thought it sounded good.xx :o)))
29 Mar, 2010
lol ive not heard of it either but will be interesting to know what you think when its ready, im fed up to with weather, doing a bit of planting but gets a bit muddy so ive come in now :o))
30 Mar, 2010
Sorry San, just checked the label, i spelt it wrong, is tayberry, i stiil hav'nt hered of it, i've not been able to get out today, weather really bad.:o))))
30 Mar, 2010
hope its good for you tomoz then pepperpot :o))
30 Mar, 2010
It don't look like it will be Sanbaz, maybe at the weekend hopfully. :o)))
30 Mar, 2010
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lots of work for you but its getting there
28 Mar, 2010