By Lyndella
- 19 Mar, 2010
i fell into this gunnera monster...removed it from side of my pond as it was hard to get by...
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he he, on both just got too big and i couldnt get past and my landlady have dug it out and put it in her field by the washaway (dont ask,something to do with drains) has taken as it loves very wet not sure if you put it in a pot it will live,its a really water babe.
21 Mar, 2010
ive read up and you can put in large tub, just have to keep well watered i guess, giving it a go away now ive bourght it :o)
21 Mar, 2010
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was it hard to get out lyn, well rooted i mean? think i will defernatly put mine in large pot lol
21 Mar, 2010