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Erythronium Dens Canis Lilac Wonder

Erythronium Dens Canis Lilac Wonder  (Erythronium Dens Canis Lilac Wonder)

Another purchase from SRGClub show Lilac Pink flowering 'Dogs Tooth Violet' Named from shape of the root. 10cms tall. Flowers Mar/April Attractive mottled leaves. Prefers leafy soil in partial shade.

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That's a lovely colour. What is SRGClub please?

11 Apr, 2010


Scottish Rock Garden Club Karens. They have an annual show which is the biggest and best in Scotland. I bought this from one of the plant nurseries, Edrom Nursery, who had plant stalls at the event. Moongrower and Bulbaholic are members and had intimated the show on here. They were there manning the bookstall. Moongrower was wearing his GOY badge as was I. It was lovely to meet them. He will be putting a blog on about the show when they get home with photos so do look out for it.

11 Apr, 2010


Oh yes, I will! Moongrower did mention that club to me before. Where was the plant show held?

11 Apr, 2010


Fairmilehead Church Hall which is just off the city bypass. Kevock Plant nursery are having an open day 2pm to 5pm on 17th and 18th April for Scotlands Garden Scheme and they had a stall at the show, I think they do this plant. Do have a look at their web site.

11 Apr, 2010


OK Thanks SG!

11 Apr, 2010

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