Grasses in flower
By Hollyeves
- 29 Apr, 2008
Comments on this photo
It must suit them here as they grow very quickly.
30 Apr, 2008
I was looking at Marginal plants 4 my pond @wked &saw a grass that looked just like Gardener Gaiters is it same 1 u think ? do u no if Gaiters enjoys living in moist soil Hollyeves?
30 Apr, 2008
im not sure what the name is ..... but they do really well round my pond and it is very damp.....all my grasses do well in damp soil....... your new pond looks nice sure it will look great with some grasses round it.
30 Apr, 2008
Thanx i do have some nice grasses that Makjekahead posted on2me :)il give them ago &see how they do as iv afew little clumps so theyl be no loss if i lose them :D
30 Apr, 2008
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Iv Some Ornamental Grasses Hollyeves but they seem 2 be slow at growing :(
29 Apr, 2008