It has finally taken off!
By Joey
- 9 Jul, 2007
My Jasmin has been sulking for a year - finally it has come out of the duldrums
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Actually got really grumpy and ignored it - the first year it looked just about dead so I cut it back quite harshly. Seems alright now though! I was given it while it was in flower last year and now I throw it the odd compliment while sniffing deeply! I dont feed anything in my garden except the slugs it seems...
10 Jul, 2007
This is one of the better Jasmins it is always a bit slow to start but once it gets going it is very very vigorous and certainly does not need feeding,
13 Jul, 2007
Spritzhenry I bought a jasmine officinale yesterday and it is about 3ft high and it has yellowish leave and it looks like it about to flower but the buds look pink
23 Jul, 2010
I took mine out in the end - and found out the reason why it hadn't thrived. The roots hadn't spread out into the soil much at all! That was over two years...It must have been more pot-bound than I realised. :-( Good luck with yours!
23 Jul, 2010
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31 Jan, 2007 -
Gardening with friends since
21 Jul, 2007
Jasminum Officinale Affine
£12.50 at Burncoose -
Jasminum Officinale Affine 'Clotted Cream'
£13.50 at Burncoose -
Jasminum Officinale Affine 'Fiona Sunrise'
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Jasminum Officinale Affine 'Aureum'
£14.50 at Burncoose -
Jasminum Officinale Affine 'Argentovariegatum'
£14.50 at Burncoose
Interesting. Did yours start off with yellowish leaves? I put a new one in this year, and it has not grown much but has a few flower buds coming. Did you feed yours? - or just talk nicely to it?
9 Jul, 2007