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niger seeds, peanuts and wild bird seed

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New restaurant open for business then Richard?

Looks a bit of a seedy joint to me......:0)

Looks good mate and the feathered friends will flock to this area when word gets out!

22 Apr, 2010


Ha ha Dan I can see that you are well on form :-)

22 Apr, 2010


the birds are well fed in your garden

23 Apr, 2010


Thanks Irish I haven't had any takers yet for the niger seeds :-)

23 Apr, 2010


It may be weeks Richard but stay positive. They need to find it and spread the good word:0)

23 Apr, 2010


Thanks Dan I am patient :-)

23 Apr, 2010


all ready for the rush richard, get the camera ready ;o)) im not sure on this but im not sure you should put feeders and nesting boxes so close together richard, i think it puts birds off nesting because of so many feeding close by,, correct me if im wrong but thought i read about it somewhere

23 Apr, 2010


ha ha I had the camera in the garden today Sandra -not one bird came to the bird feeders -maybe because I was out there!
I did get a collared dove have a drink from the bird bath tho' :-)

23 Apr, 2010


take your time and stand out of view or in house to start and eventually will get use to you, i go to garage and pass feeders and the bird stay put alot now, it will get better believe me ;o))

23 Apr, 2010


You're correct there San. They don't like the frantic pace of the feeders and in fairness Richard, yours are very close.

You may wqant to take heed and move one or t'other:0)

23 Apr, 2010


thought so but hated to be the one to say richard,,, sorry just want it all right for you, and it will be ;o) thanx Dan

23 Apr, 2010


It's just a case of time and patience where the birds are concerned. And, if you replace a feeder, they take a few days or longer to use it as they're not used to it so just stick in there Richard and they will appear over time:0)

23 Apr, 2010


Thanks Dan and Sandra. I will move the feeders apart and wait a few more days as they may return then. I will take some pics then :-)

23 Apr, 2010


yw richard, keep us posted ;o))

23 Apr, 2010


will do Sandra :-)

23 Apr, 2010


Lots of food for them.

24 Apr, 2010


I have moved the feeders now so they are spaced out a lot more-waiting for some ! :-)

24 Apr, 2010


Away from the nesting boxes Richard?

24 Apr, 2010


Yes Dan but I still have just the one nearby do you think I should move that away too?

24 Apr, 2010


It's recommended if you want to hopefully get some birds nesting over time - I have 3 different nesting boxes up in my trees but no activity there yet.

If all you want or will be happy with, is birds feeding and giving you photo opportunities, then you should be fine as it's the nesting they won't do near feeders rather than the other way round. All the frantic noise & mayhem of feeding tim eputs them off nesting so close. However, as previously mentioned, if you're happy just to see them feed. then you will be fine. The other thing is, how high are your nesting boxes anyway?

You may need to get those up higher as the birds may be scared of humans getting so close. Just a thought........

24 Apr, 2010


The nesting boxes are only about 6 foot off the floor Dan -maybe I should find a higher spot for them. Have you christened your new potting shed yet with some wine? :-)

25 Apr, 2010

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