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Azalea (Azalea Japonica)

The two I have in pots are just starting to burst into colour now. I had a third one but together they all suffered from leaf gauls, once treated they survived.

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I noticed that many of you in the UK have your Azaleas in pots. These must be the tender perennial type ? We also have them here in the USA ? Mine are the hardier ones all in the ground and survive the winters very well.

4 May, 2008


I think it's more the soil type. I ve got one in the ground and he is not doing as well as the ones in the pots.

4 May, 2008


In our town, there is a geological fault with acid soil on one side and alkaline on the other. We grateful that we're on the acid side and can grow azaleas and rhododendrons!

4 May, 2008

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This photo is of species Azalea Japonica.

This photo is of "Azalea" in Treesandthings's garden

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