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Fuchsia 12" Hanging basket

Fuchsia 12" Hanging basket

My attempt at making a Fuchsia Upright (Winston Churchill) & Fuchsia Trailing (Le Campanella & Spion Kop) hanging basket!
Fingers crossed

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I only have fuchsias in my baskets.

16 May, 2010


This is all Fuchsia's in this one. Got it right above a Fuchsia I planted yesterday.

16 May, 2010


My hanging fuchsia baskets i've had a few years now, just over winter them in greenhouse with some fleece over them, then end Jan i check them and if not to cold trim them up give them a drink and cover back up but keep checking them every few days and they do fine, mind you it was more the end of Feb this year as winter was so cold.

16 May, 2010


The Fuchsia's I have bought only last 1 season. Didn't know you get Perinals in Fuchsia's!!

16 May, 2010


You can get hardy fuchsias, but my fuchsias in my basket was only suppose to be for a year, but like i say a bit of tlc and they have come back for quite a few years now.

16 May, 2010


Ah, the one i have in the ground is a hardy so take it that its a perinal. Well if my basket flowers nice and looks good from about June then I might just try your method although i haven't got a green house so shed will have to do! lol

16 May, 2010


Before i had greenhouse i use to bring them to side of house facing south, and put fleece on them, i'd try it as your not lossing anything as you would be throwing them at end of season, so if they live its a bonus,even if they look dead at beginning of next year give them a chance as some of mine i thought i'd lost this year with the really cold winter, but all of a sudden they are doing really well now. If you unsure ask Hywel as he is very good when it comes to fuchsias

16 May, 2010


Yes I've already spoken to Hwyel about Fuchsia's. He's very knowledgable. I'll def give it a go as my garden is a N/E facing garden. Like you say, nothing to lose and £'s to save if they come back. So end of season, just trim back to roots or just clip the heads?

16 May, 2010


I cut back late Jan- Feb, if you unsure just send me a pm at end of season.

16 May, 2010


Cool, I will if I remember! lol

16 May, 2010


All fuchsias are perennial. They become dormant in the winter. Some varieties are hardy and can be left in the ground all winter but others need to be kept in a frost free place and they'll re-grow the following spring. You should have a nice basket full by the summer. By the way was your Spion Kopp labelled as being a trailer ? - it really grows into an upright bush. But it will look nice in the basket with the others .

17 May, 2010


Yes it is listed as a trailer! Thats homebase for you. lol

19 May, 2010



19 May, 2010


Can i force some of the stems to trail over the edge now whilst still growing or will it damage it?

19 May, 2010


You could try to bend some over while they are still young, Maybe that would work but the new branches will grow upwards.
However, maybe it really is a trailling variety with the wrong name. You'll omly know as it grows.
It isn't just B&Q. I have bought named varieties from fuchsia specialists that have turned out to be wrongly hamed. I don't think they take enough care.
The fuchsia will probably look great no matter what it's called :o))

19 May, 2010


Got it from homebase. Yes it might be a trail but I'd say it prob aint as you are the man when it comes to Fuchsia's.
Not sure what to do now as i want them to trail to cover the basket.

19 May, 2010


Im no expert . It's mostly trial and error.
I'd wait and see. maybe the fuchsias have the wrong name.

19 May, 2010


they was in a pallet all mixed. Are the Le Campanella trailing or upright aswell?

19 May, 2010


Trailing :o) Nice for a hanging basket.

19 May, 2010


Well I guess we'll see in the next month or 2 what ones are trailers! lol

19 May, 2010


It will be interesting to find out lol

19 May, 2010

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