The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Corollina valentina

Corollina valentina

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that looks nice

17 May, 2010


Thanks yorkshire

17 May, 2010


Thanks so much Holly for showing this pic. It has given me the idea to get one Corollina for my terraced garden. The colour and height and conditions are exactly what I am looking for. See - read up on it.

20 May, 2010


your welcome Titchy.....mine was given to me a few years ago... it didnt do very well in the ground soi put it in the pot and its come on lovely....

21 May, 2010


Went to A Garden Centre today, was looking for a Corollina, no luck. Never mind, I keep looking, spent enough dough on other plants, my Visa Card was almost burning, now I need to avoid places where plants are being sold for a while. Well I shall try!!!

21 May, 2010


LOL... Titchy....hope you manage to find one... have you looked on ebay... thye do lots of plants on there...

22 May, 2010

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