Dicentra spectabalis Alba
By Grindle

19 May, 2010
Comments on this photo
I think, although the pink one is pretty, I do prefer this one Louise :))
20 May, 2010
I nipped into the GC yesterday looking for one but they don't stock them :-(((
I'll keep looking though because this would add perfect white interest, in the white wave, in the spring/now before the rest takes off.
20 May, 2010
Wonder if Monkton Elm have it? or maybe Barbara knows where you could get one?
20 May, 2010
I'll probably be able to get it from a nursery i use in Worcester ..... i wanted it 'now' that's all ;-))
Patience is 'not' one of 'my' virtues !!!
20 May, 2010
Lovely ! The more i see of the white ones the more i fancy some ;-))
19 May, 2010