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New garden ready for some plants!

New garden ready for some plants!

This is what we ended up with. I did bring some plants from my old garden when I moved but more needed. It did fill up over time with generous donations from mother in law who gave us plants she had grown over the season.

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I did use some plants from the garden. Found a really nice Fern which I managed to divide and plant in the shady boarder and clump of crocosmia 'spitfire' which looks great with the Acer 'orange dream'

I'll have to upload the latest pics. It currently overflowing with forget me nots! So I'll prob thin some out and plant in the front garden or pots

28 May, 2010


C'ant wait for the later up dates, Will look great I am sure,

29 May, 2010


Its a lot of work but sure is worth it in the end. all the sore bits, the back and legs and arms, I can remember when I was at that stage too, you are doing a great job regards Trev

1 Jun, 2010

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