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Irises and pond...check out the smokey background...


By Lori

Irises and pond...check out the smokey background...

today was not a good day for anyone with breathing difficulties... lots ofsmoke from fires burning about 90 kms away in Quebec.

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Lovely pond sorry about the smoke

1 Jun, 2010


thanks Drc726... today it rained!! the air is much clearer today...haven't checked yet but presume that the area of the fires got the rain came down quite heavily for about three hours! the gardens are loving it!

1 Jun, 2010


What a beautiful part of your garden Lori -

3 Jun, 2010


Thanks, T60! I finally stopped worrying about what I could take with me and put all my plants in the ground! I bought a New Dawn rose last summer and didn't plant it til fall! thought I would lose it for sure, but it is up ...doing well ...and has buds! We are moving...but left that in hubby's hands... I'm not stressing anymore!!

4 Jun, 2010


When ??? Brava. That's what I like, positivity !!

Are you still planning on doing what you said you were going to do this side of the Pond ... ?

4 Jun, 2010


Argghhhh! I"d love to say a big positive YES.... but after the last few months...waiting and waiting ... I'm just going to say "I hope so..." lots to "ifs" better not to open my mouth and put my foot in it!! lol....

4 Jun, 2010


Good thinking Lori - all will be well in the end

7 Jun, 2010


This is a lovely view Lori. Greenthumb has fires also, in Alaska. I now think the whole of North America is ablaze! eeek! :)))

8 Jun, 2010


We've had good rain over the last eight days.... no more smoke..thank goodness. We are very close to Quebec ...the fires are about 90 kms away..and if the wind is in the right direction...etc. There are fires burning here in Ontario as well.. our forestry people have been telling us that fires are good for our forests! Up in Gt's neck-of-the-woods there are a million(bit of exaggeration) square miles of forest...and fires can burn for a long's nature's way. Alaska is roughly as far from I am from you!
With our present weather, at least we won't be going up in a puff of smoke...roll on rain!~

8 Jun, 2010


Ha! lol! I guess that's true Lori! Bloomin big place N.America!!

9 Jun, 2010


I love the iris with your pool Lori. It has really naturalized so quickly! We had early smoke and then a days of rain the stopped most of them. At least cleared the smoke. Been a beautiful, summer now.

1 Jul, 2010


Yes, Karen. My first trip "out west" was to Vancouver in 1969... we spent the first three days on the train still in Ontario! My home province is huge!... once we hit the prairies it was zippp...then the foothills...the gorgeous Rockies and the thrill of Revelstoke took 4 days to Van....but what a wonderful trip. Canada is an amazingly beautiful place.
I"m so glad that the fires are abating, Gt. I think you might try the flag iris up there! What do you think? I saw a pic you posted of them growing wild near fairbanks...right? I'll be digging up some of mine fairly soon...would you care for some roots?

1 Jul, 2010


Every iris I've started that wasn't already in the green has not come up again. Many people have even bearded iris, but I haven't had the bulbs come up. I could try.

2 Jul, 2010

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