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This is where they stand.

This is where they stand.

Comments on this photo


wow... what a beautiful area....

2 Jun, 2010


Stunning area to sit and relax, love the lamps on the steps.

2 Jun, 2010


Yes - the steps make a seated area more interesting, and love the lanterns on the sides, very pretty and very arty, love it Karen sue. Everything is beginning to fill in and the gaps are getting smaller now and grass area is forever shrinking lol. x

2 Jun, 2010


Thanks everyone. I am so chuffed with it all now. spent today tidying, weeding, watering, pruning and then it got really warm so had my pud and coffee out there on a lounger and just felt very self satisfied with both the pud (home made rhubarb crumble) and the garden!! :))

2 Jun, 2010


love this area karen and love the little trees to ;o))

2 Jun, 2010


Hmmm...bit concerned about the 'little' trees San as they will eventually be quite big trees! However, we shall probably be long gone by then, to a little cottage in the countryside somewhere where there's more peace and quiet and less trampolines!!

3 Jun, 2010


Oh to win the lottery!! keep those dreams coming Karen, one of my dreams to win the lottery and buy a cottage deep in the countryside, not made up my mind where yet but it is a work in progress. Never happy are we? LOL x

3 Jun, 2010


Looks a wonderful place to sit and ponder ..

3 Jun, 2010


Erm......don't you already have that Mum?.....thankys Mushy!

3 Jun, 2010


yes but would like it further off the road and a stream and a lake and fields all round with hills and blue sky and sheep and cows and anything else that is pretty (like I said never happy) lol!!

3 Jun, 2010


tell me about it karen, two big trampolines near me and screaming kids to go with them ;o(( not to bad most of the time though

3 Jun, 2010


Ha ha ha! I know what you mean and a field over the other side with lambs in it....and the sun to shine all summer from March to November followed by crisp sunny cold winter days...and a weekly delivery of home made chocs...and a local vineyard....and one of those natural swimming pools......ah......;))

3 Jun, 2010


when my two were wee and we had climbing stuff and slide etc. I was forever going out and saying "shhhh...other people are also using their gardens" . Whereas here they have 8 or 9 screaming unremittingly for hours on end with adults holed up indoors doing whatever!.....grrrrrrr! I don't even let the dog bark!!...perhaps I should just change and start making loads of noise know, if you can't beat em, join em sort of thing!!

3 Jun, 2010


im like you karen and always told mine to keep it down as not to disturb naeighbours, but like you say parents let the kids rule the roost these days, oh well thats my moan for today lol

3 Jun, 2010


Ah Sandra, if only the rest of the world was like us eh? lol x

3 Jun, 2010


yes arent we just perfect lol ;o)) x

3 Jun, 2010



3 Jun, 2010

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