I hate this weed Mares Tale but over the years I have much less and only in the rockery now
By Drc726
- 2 Jun, 2010
Comments on this photo
The more I pull it up the less I seem to get
2 Jun, 2010
Mine always seems to re-appear the next year
2 Jun, 2010
I have small bits of it. I crush the stems and then spray it .
2 Jun, 2010
Horrible stuff isnt it and always seems to snap off when you pull it.
2 Jun, 2010
Yes it is Dawn, I hate the way it comes up in the middle of plants to
2 Jun, 2010
I know, blinkin stuff. Mine arrived with some top soil, grrrr
2 Jun, 2010
Poor you!
2 Jun, 2010
We have a field full of it next door , it's a nightmare trying to stop it advancing over our garden.. it comes under the fence we have a strip of shrubs there.. it grows between the shrubs where it's difficult to pull it out , luckily we then have the gravel driveway where we can see it and pull it up , it comes back every year .. :o(
3 Jun, 2010
Has anyone found a weedkiller that works on it?
3 Jun, 2010
I don't think there is one Annella , we have tried everything , we even put carpet squares along the side where it's coming through before we planted the shrubs it comes through that , I have seen it growing through tarmac roads ...
3 Jun, 2010
I apray it with something that kills the roots. (can't remember the name) It works on the little bits that are in my garden. I don't know how it works if you have a lot.
4 Jun, 2010
my old garden use to get this and so much of it to, i hated it, a real pain in the rear lol
6 Jun, 2010
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I have this outside my front door and never seem to get rid of it
2 Jun, 2010