crassula at front door
- 6 Jun, 2010
Comments on this photo
Haha, 'penny plant', or money plant? Well, we can't complain ;-)
7 Jun, 2010
I have two little ones of these, just with 8 leaves each. I will give them a friendly daily chat to prepare for Megagrowth for the front door!
7 Jun, 2010
1/ As much light as you can give them, preferably in a sunny spot! They like to be put outside in the garden during summer time.
They don't need a lot of water, and can stand without for a long time (though I like to water my plants regularly).
2/ Some feed now and then...Just think of how you would look like if put on water only ;-)
7 Jun, 2010
If I fed my plants my own diet - they would need to like cake! :)
8 Jun, 2010
8 Jun, 2010
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Hello. Love this! Hadnt thought about having these outside. Has it brought you luck & success as it's supposed to yet?
6 Jun, 2010