lots of unexpected snow again, for the second time in January 2010

7 Jun, 2010
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the olive trees were still standing outside at the front door (it is a bit sheltered over there)
If it weather forecast gives frost for only for a couple of days, we leave the olive trees outside but cover them with plant protection fleece
Comments on this photo
No, only the last few years. Before that we had almost forgotten what it meant to have a lot of snow around. But now we dó again!
Pretty pictures galore, but a lot of chaos for traffic, after some time there was a shortage of salt for the roads, ...cold temperatures, bbrrr.
7 Jun, 2010
That all sounds just like it was here too !
8 Jun, 2010
Yes, we could see it on the BBC...it was terrible over there, with you (worse than here, I think).
8 Jun, 2010
It felt that way, Hilda ;-)
I don't want to see snow again for another 20 years !!!
8 Jun, 2010
I fully understand ;-) (totally agree).
8 Jun, 2010
Very pretty, but 'no thanks' !!
9 Jun, 2010
9 Jun, 2010
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Gardening with friends since
17 Apr, 2008
Pretty pictures but not a scene i want to see in 'this' country for a while yet !!!
Do you get snow every winter there, Hilda ?
7 Jun, 2010