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unknown shrub

unknown shrub

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Looks very much like one of the Prunus genus. Possibly a cherry laurel of some description.

10 Jun, 2010


Looks like Styrax to me, perhaps S. japonica or S. wilsonii.
changed my mind - S. japonica has toothed leaves so its not that. I must say the leaves and stems remind me of Elaeagnus varieties.

10 Jun, 2010


Or Osmanthus burkwoodii - google and see what you think, but you've not said if its evergreen or not.

10 Jun, 2010


It is a puzzle this shrub/tree.
It is not evergreen so not Osmanthus. Back to Styrax but not absolutely convinced yet!

11 Jun, 2010


Elaeagnus parvifolia?

11 Jun, 2010


MMMMM don't think so thorns and the bark is definitely red rather than brown. You are trying so hard I feel you should come and see this lo :)
Will take some more piccies tomorrow ( weather being ok) and see what that shows.
I do appreciate your involvment.

11 Jun, 2010

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