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like this apart from lawn looks not good,,,, trying to cover horid garage, put climing roses and clementus at each side??

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A good climber for a sunny spot is Solanum. It gets lots of lovely mauve/blue flowers. It's evergreen aswell. It likes a sunny spot though.

15 Jun, 2010


thankyou will try plant a solanum, what about my awful lawn lol

15 Jun, 2010


Well I don't like lawns so I would tell you to get rid of it and plant some nice shrubs instead. I find lawns a lot of work and they always look boring to me. But that's only my opinion.

Maybe a nice shrub in the centre with some sort of path/slabs/gravel around it. And then some lower shrubs around the edges

Personally I find the upkeep much easier. You could put some colourful spring bulbs under the shrubs. .......What would you like to put there ? It's up to you really.

Or you could put slabs there - somewhere nice to sit with a cuppa. Some shrubs with bulbs in spring, and maybe some herbaceous perrenials for summer around the slabs... I don't know really, but I hope you can draw from these little suggestions.

16 Jun, 2010

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