By Doddy555
- 15 Jun, 2010
frount think might put some plants where stone is ??
Comments on this photo
sorry what slab do you mean? this is patio , an where the stones are the wall goes all way down garden..thanks for reply
15 Jun, 2010
I see what you mean by stones now. I thought you meant the slabs. Well some plants would look nice there I think.
16 Jun, 2010
right thanks think i will, its what plants to put there??? with bein new to this i not good at all with plants
16 Jun, 2010
I'm no good at making suggestions, but something ever green would be nice. Maybe some small shrubs like Hebes etc ?
18 Jun, 2010
thanks hywel will look at some hebes
18 Jun, 2010
Or you could try some euonymus? The common varieties, I think, are Emerald n Gold, and Emerald Gaiety, and are easy to find in most garden centres. They are both evergreen. They have variegated leaves (two colours to the leaf), the first one is green and yellowy and the second is green and white. Both very pretty, evergreen shrubs and easy to grow in either sun or shade and brighten the place up no end. You could put a row of them down the stones area and leave gaps between to plant some annual colour, or some perennials that would come back year after year. You can clip the euonymus to keep them the size you want, or you can let them grow to eventually fill the space completely and do away with the annuals/perennials in the gaps. Anything goes really! Whatever you choose, don't forget to give us an "after" photo - I love seeing before and afters!
22 Jun, 2010
are thanks jan 65 i will update pic when i have done it take care :o)
23 Jun, 2010
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If you took the slabe away you could put soil with some nice shrubs.
Or you could put some tube there.
15 Jun, 2010