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Cordyline 'Red Star'

Cordyline 'Red Star' (Cordyline)

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Like your planted border very much Mh, your cordyline is a beautiful colour :~))

30 Jun, 2010


This is very nice....I like :)))

1 Jul, 2010


thank you both of you - unfortunately i ran out of gravel but will get more in time. I've now removed the Mexican orange blossom on the left as i didnt realise it had yellow flowers, I've put in some, ermm, oh dear, some errrrrm - cant remember the name, tall purple flowers, oh yes, Salvias ( i think). This is because i definately gravitate towards purples, mauves, whites etc in flowers. Possibly some deep-rooted flaw in my armour...... The thyme is spreading nicely and very aromatic

14 Jul, 2010

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This photo is of species Cordyline.

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This photo is of "Cordyline 'Red Star'" in Minihoney's garden

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