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Stupendous Blossoms B of..??

Stupendous Blossoms B of..??

Again these are grown from some cuttings I was given, and I am still attempting to identify them. I feel they are cacti but there again maybe they're succulents?
In previous years the flowers have been about 1'' in length This year each bloom so far has been an average of 6'' long and 6'' wide! I only fed them once with a Lidl's leaf fertilizer. They have been relatively neglected for the past year, and I was considering repotting them. They are in a very small amount of humus-y compost, rather than a sandy stoney mixture like John Innes no.2. What do you think? - should I repot them after flowering or leave them as they are?
If anyone can help with identification, I would be very happy!

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