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garden think they are dieing help

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Does it say anything about it's care on the label ?

19 Jun, 2010


if its a clematis, it needs burying deep under the soil about 4 - 6 inches deeper than in pot, also might be abit too close to the wall

21 Jun, 2010


right thanks will have a look at label hywel, daylily i am scared of moving it in case i kill it i planted it last year, should i just put compost on top of it ? i may sound little mad but learning all the time, thanks so much :o)

21 Jun, 2010


Oh yeah, sorry i didnt mean move it now, i didnt make it very clear, yes you could move it in autumn or spring depending on what it is, you could top dress it with a bit more compost or soil and put a couple of stones around it if it is clematis to keep the roots cool, but i am no expert and as Hywel says, check out the label :^)

21 Jun, 2010


daylily i have put more compost on it and put stones on top,,, its flowered so thats good isnt it ? thanks

21 Jun, 2010


Oh great, hoope it goes ok for you!

21 Jun, 2010


thanks daylily

23 Jun, 2010

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