Brachystelma dinteri
By Chloris
- 24 Jun, 2010
A succulent forming a caudex and these unusual flowers.
Comments on this photo
This photo is about double the size of the actual plant but the detail in these flowers is so intricate that its best magnified.
24 Jun, 2010
wow! such intricate design... I love it.
27 Jun, 2010
Do they smell at all?
5 Jul, 2010
Hi Pam, no they don't have any scent that I can detect...
Just off to see a couple of foreigners!!
5 Jul, 2010
Foreigners indeed :o)) Hope you all had a great time & catch up.
6 Jul, 2010
This is not Brachystelma dinteri but Brachystelma buchananii, note terminal inflorescence with several flowers open together and conspicuous tufts of white hairs on tips of outer corona lobes, B. dinteri is a smaller plant with more inconspicuous inflorescences at bases of leaves along stems, mostly yellowish flowers and without the tufts of white hairs.
26 Mar, 2018
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Really beautiful in a really weird way!! :))
24 Jun, 2010