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Gazania x rigens 'Sun Bathers' Red Stripe


By Mrv

Gazania x rigens 'Sun Bathers' Red Stripe (gazania x rigens (Sun Bathers))

Comments on this photo


What a lovely photo. They're a beautiful colour. I'll definately be getting some of these.

29 Jun, 2010


Thank you, Lin : ) I'm going to have a go at getting these through the winter ... the flowers are nearly 4 inches across.

30 Jun, 2010


Fabbydoo, their colour matches my begonia's - Chung

14 Jul, 2010


Ahh - excellent. That way you'll know exactly what to buy for next year :)

Today they look rather gloomy - they don't seem to be enjoying the driving wet SW winds.

15 Jul, 2010


WOW! ~ those flower heads are huge, what are you feeding them on Mrv ~ the water from the spinach after Mrs. Mrv has cooked your dinner ? (LOL) !!! Hope you manage to get them through the winter.

15 Jul, 2010


Yeah, they're not bad :) Thank you. In answer, just basic Tesco outdoor plant food once - had it left over from last year. I'm going to try and not build up too much tender growth and lift them probably in September and keep them indoors once the first frosts look like they're on their way. I may be able to get some cuttings going early next spring ... well that's the plan anyway :)

15 Jul, 2010


Good Luck with the cuttings, hope you let us know if you manage to suceed. :o)

21 Jul, 2010


Thank you. I'll be giving it a go :)

24 Jul, 2010

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This photo is of species gazania x rigens (Sun Bathers).

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This photo is of "Gazania x rigens 'Sun Bathers'" in Mrv's garden

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