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I don't suppose you have a name for this Teddygirl? I have one of these but I can't remember what it is, it'd be great if you do:o)

30 Jun, 2010


I think its called "Sedum spathulifolium /Stonecrop"
I was having a mad afternoon in my garden with my grandaughter, trying to repair a little windmill,. I had a bright idea to use some of the plastic tags that were in my plants, it worked i made a plant-tag windmill,
Hence no label on this plant,, 8~)

30 Jun, 2010


Lol Teddygirl, you'll have to put a pic on here of your new creation! :o)

1 Jul, 2010


Its a shame you cant upload video clips on here, 8~)

1 Jul, 2010

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